To Truly know and Understand Animals
Claudia Hehr, Internationally Respected Animal Communications Expert, Dog Expert, Author, Speaker & Coach
“The animals that touch our lives are precious gifts. They have a depth of which many of us are not aware.”
Welcome to
Many things that we think we know about animals are not true. The reason is that we see things from our own human perspective.
Here you will find out the real truth about animals.
Find out what your animal companion is thinking, feeling, wants, needs or would like to tell you.
On The Road Again
Wonderful News. Claudia will be on the road again soon.
This time her tour has 4 incredible goals:
Raising Awareness, Education, Saving Lives and Interviews.
Explore. Learn. Grow.
Start to change your paradigm and make a huge difference in every animals’ live and your own.
Animal Communication
“When we change the way we look at animals, we change the way we see animals.
Once we see animals different, we will treat animals different and everything will change.”
What People Say

“Claudia, Rudi is doing much better. His separation anxiety has all but disappeared. I followed your suggestion of leaving the TV on in my bedroom (Woman’s channel:)) and ask him to relax and watch TV…”
Karin Werner
Toronto, Ontario

“Claudia, you save the lives of many dogs – you saved Lola’s life this spring. She was such a mess and in no time she was comfortable and on the road to recovery. Thank you so much.”
Judy E.
Ontario, Canada

“Hello Claudia – I wanted to let you know how much you helped Rex, and us, with your communication. Upon my return home after seeing and giving Rex his next insulin injection – he was a changed cat…accepting, calm, and no longer reacting…”
Catherine and Cliff M.
Ontario, Canada

Claudia Hehr
People always ask:
“What can an animal do for me?”, but the question should be: “What can I do for the animal?”
Claudia Hehr is “The Voice of the Animals”™.
For over two decades Claudia has been helping clients all around the world to find out what their animal companions need.
Claudia is instrumental in helping us to really understand the inner live of animals. What do animals think, how do animals feel, what is going on in their minds.
Claudia is respected internationally and has appeared on numerous television networks like the Discovery Channel. Claudia has been profiled on international radio broadcasts and in newspapers and magazines like Animal Wellness, Modern Dog, The Globe and Mail and Toronto Life.
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